Health and Medicine

A rat model has been used to see how maternal intake of above-requirement vitamins (A, D, E, and K) impact offspring's brain development and...

The fifth edition of the Cancer Atlas graphically details the scale of the tobacco epidemic; the harmful influence of tobacco on health, poverty, social...

In 2008, the city of Los Angeles passed a law restricting the opening or expansion of any 'stand-alone fast-food restaurant' in low-income neighborhoods where...

A new research project has established an effective model for the fight against the escalating burden of tooth decay among children in Asia. The...

A new research project has established an effective model for the fight against the escalating burden of tooth decay among children in Asia. The...

When patients develop acute liver failure, severe complications arise rapidly after the first signs of liver disease, and patients' health can deteriorate rapidly. New...

When patients develop acute liver failure, severe complications arise rapidly after the first signs of liver disease, and patients' health can deteriorate rapidly. New...

New insights into why a child's chronic kidney disease (CKD) may worsen to kidney failure have been uncovered through a new study. Among nearly...

New insights into why a child's chronic kidney disease (CKD) may worsen to kidney failure have been uncovered through a new study. Among nearly...

Women who received a text message reminding them about their breast cancer screening appointment were 20 per cent more likely to attend than those...