Following military parents' return from combat deployment, children show increased visits for mental healthcare, physical injury, and child maltreatment consults, compared to children whose...
'Mini-lungs' have been created by researchers using stem cells derived from skin cells of patients with cystic fibrosis, and have shown that these can...
Denmark's largest research project on chemical cocktail effects in food has just been completed. It has established that even small doses of chemicals can...
The spinal cord transmits pain signals to the brain, where they are consciously perceived. But not all the impulses arrive at their destination: Certain...
Scientists have created an enhanced surface for silicone breast implants which could reduce complications and make them less likely to be rejected by the...
Scientists have created an enhanced surface for silicone breast implants which could reduce complications and make them less likely to be rejected by the...
Scientists have built nanoscale explosives out of buckyballs that could one day be used to eliminate cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue.
Scientists have built nanoscale explosives out of buckyballs that could one day be used to eliminate cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue.
New research shows that in women who have developed gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, being obese before the pregnancy and putting on more weight...
New research shows that in women who have developed gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, being obese before the pregnancy and putting on more weight...