Health and Medicine

A combination of human stem cell transplantation and antidiabetic drugs proved to be highly effective at improving body weight and glucose metabolism in a...

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and both disorders are rooted in chronic inflammation. Now, studying mice that...

The author Gretchen Rubin explains that our habits — good and bad — provide the architecture to our lives.

The author Gretchen Rubin explains that our habits — good and bad — provide the architecture to our lives.

The author Gretchen Rubin explains that our habits — good and bad — provide the architecture to our lives.

Orthopedic surgeons have conducted a cost-benefit analysis of topical tranexamic acid in primary total hip and knee arthroplasty patients that revealed a 12 percent...

Current smoking and heavy alcohol consumption appear to be risk factors for prolonged use of a feeding tube in patients with head and neck...

Black and Hispanic women with breast cancer were less likely to pick their surgeon and the hospital for treatment based on reputation compared with...

A pioneering class of drugs that target cancers with mutations in the BRCA breast cancer genes could also work against tumors with another type...

Across much of the Western world, 25 years of expansion of the medical system has actually led to people feeling less healthy over time,...