Health and Medicine

It took me a long time to be able to say I was a cancer patient. Now that my treatment is done, I'm struggling...

It took me a long time to be able to say I was a cancer patient. Now that my treatment is done, I'm struggling...

New research shows that loneliness and social isolation, even for people who prefer their own company, is bad for their health.

New research shows that loneliness and social isolation, even for people who prefer their own company, is bad for their health.

A loving mom can't overcome the anxiety and aggression caused by corporal punishment, and her otherwise warm demeanor may make it worse, according to...

If you want someone to open up to you, just make them laugh. Sharing a few good giggles and chuckles makes people more willing...

A study in the emerging field of nanocytology could one day help men make better decisions about whether or not to undergo aggressive prostate...

Human babies appear to need more of a nutritional boost from breast-milk proteins than do infants of one of their closest primate relatives, suggests...

DNA uncoils from the nucleosome asymmetrically (uncoiling from one end much more easily) scientists have discovered. The DNA is packaged into chromosomes, which resemble...

More than 100,000 apps claim to help consumers track their conditions. That doesn't mean they are all accurate. more