Health and Medicine

When viruses such as influenza and Ebola jump from one species to another, their ability to cause harm can change dramatically, but research shows...

Increasing diet soda intake is directly linked to greater abdominal obesity in adults 65 years of age and older. Findings raise concerns about the...

Scientists have successfully tested a potent synthetic compound that prevents type 1 diabetes in animal models of the disease.

A comprehensive study examining clinical trials of more than 95,000 patients has found that glucose or sugar-lowering medications prescribed to patients with diabetes may...

Researchers have discovered a dramatic decline in genetic diversity in male lineages four to eight thousand years ago -- likely the result of the...

A new guideline from the American College of Physicians says such tests on adults without symptoms are not doing any good. The lesson: Ask...

New research shows that loneliness and social isolation, even for people who prefer their own company, is bad for their health.

A new guideline from the American College of Physicians says such tests on adults without symptoms are not doing any good. The lesson: Ask...

A new guideline from the American College of Physicians says such tests on adults without symptoms are not doing any good. The lesson: Ask...

It took me a long time to be able to say I was a cancer patient. Now that my treatment is done, I'm struggling...