Health and Medicine

The advent of cell phones, text messaging and heavy urban traffic has taken the issue of 'distracted driving' to a historic level, a new...

The advent of cell phones, text messaging and heavy urban traffic has taken the issue of 'distracted driving' to a historic level, a new...

The language used in the switches that turn genes on and off has remained the same across millions of years of evolution, according to...

The language used in the switches that turn genes on and off has remained the same across millions of years of evolution, according to...

When publicly traded food firms face a meat or poultry recall, five factors influence stock price reactions most: severity to human health, recall size,...

When publicly traded food firms face a meat or poultry recall, five factors influence stock price reactions most: severity to human health, recall size,...

As people become overweight, their skeletal muscle develops insulin resistance that can lead to type two diabetes. Researchers found the activity of this protein,...

As people become overweight, their skeletal muscle develops insulin resistance that can lead to type two diabetes. Researchers found the activity of this protein,...

Scientists have uncovered anomalies and issues with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition, one of the most widely used intelligence tests in the world....

New animal studies found that sildenafil, a drug commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction, may be effective in relieving painful and potentially life-threatening nerve...