
New research suggests women seek more options in dating partners near ovulation -- when they are most fertile -- which may lead them to...

New research suggests women seek more options in dating partners near ovulation -- when they are most fertile -- which may lead them to...

Music is found in all human cultures and thus appears to be part of our biology and not simply a cultural phenomenon. One approach...

The ability to assess cognitive impairment in multicultural older populations will become more important as demographics change worldwide. A new study reports that the...

Dos tornillos fracturados en el camión cisterna son al parecer, la causa de la explosión en el hospital materno infantil en México. ...

Scientists have developed a drug that stops fatty liver disease from causing inflammation and scarring. Doctors believe that up to 30 percent of the...

CNN's Rachel Crane tries out a new fitness craze: exposing herself to temperatures far below zero in hopes of boosting metabolism and reducing inflammation ...

Go to and you'll be in for a surprise. more

Un juez federal de Texas anuncia su suspensión temporal de las medidas ejecutivas migratorias del presidente Obama. Qué dice la Casa Blanca. ...