
Several buildings in Grantville, Georgia, used for filming AMC's "The Walking Dead," have been put up for sale on eBay. ...

Sleeping more than 8 hours may be an early sign of stroke risk, a new study shows. more

Sleeping more than 8 hours may be an early sign of stroke risk, a new study shows. more

Sleeping more than 8 hours may be an early sign of stroke risk, a new study shows. more

Adam Mccoy reports on a mother and daughter who both have rheumatoid arthritis. more

A retinal tear is often the precursor to a torn retina. But if you know the warning signs you can prevent a more serious...

From jungles to drylands, colonies are preserving landscapes and protecting ecosystems. Just keep them out of the house. more

Lynn Berry gets tips from a trainer on how to exercise at home. more

Researchers said Monday that a recent extreme drought in Syria was most likely due to climate change, and that the drought was a factor...

In the first study of its kind since the 1920s, rats in New York City were found to carry a flea species capable of...